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The Enormous Turnip

Daphne lives a quiet, lonely life, until she finds herself a companion, a puppy called Turnip. But with a few too many treats, little Turnip becomes enormous.

The adventure begins when Daphne takes Turnip for an extra long walk...

websiteEnormous Turnip exhibition cover pdf_Page_1.jpg

Folktale week

I followed some key words for Folktale Week, moon - dream - daybreak. The pictures became a story in my head and I am still working on extra images to add to the sequence.

Sheena Mary Davies 2a.jpg

The Muddy Dog Story

The Muddy Dog was a story taken from a wild walk with my dog Rufus. He ran along a coastal boardwalk after wading about in a muddy pool. I remember anticipating the people he might meet and potentially soak with muddy water as he ran past.

muddy dog website_edited.jpg

Unity St. School Saves the Planet

Let's act now! The children of Unity St. School decide to create a special place in their own playground to show how much they care about nature and our own planet's future.

unity street website cover.jpg

Two Trees

 I wanted to convey a simple sequence about a boy planting seeds from a pinecone and growing two new pine trees  which he plants back in the forest clearing. I used collage to enable me to simplify the shapes and hopefully communicate directly through minimal imagery and no words.

Two New Trees 1.jpg

Random Illustrations

These are various illustration and sketches for projects above.

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